Indigenous people from the Mapuche Nation marched in the so-called Chile in memory of Camilo Catrillanca, a young Mapuche leader assassinated by Chilean special police on November 14, 2018.
Around a thousand Mapuche people including leaders, friends and family members marched on Mapuche territory that Saturday, Nov 14, 2020, in memory of their brother, Camilo Catrillanca, after two years the Chilean police shot him in the back of his head and killed him.
The trial for the murder of Camilo Catrillanca restarted on October 27, therefore, Mapuche people marched from Camilo Catrillanca’s community called Temukuykuy to Ercilla to honor him and demand justice. Several Mapuche women were injured by police who shot them in the face and arms with pellet guns.