August 9, 2020  Around one thousand Mapuche people from four points of Wallmapu, Mapuche territory, marched against anti-mapuche institutional racism and in support of the Mapuche Political Prisoners who are carrying out a hunger strike day 99, in Angol, Temuco and Lebu. This in response to the brutal violence many Mapuche people suffered about a week ago, when Several Mapuche men and women were beaten by no-Mapuche individuals with the apparent support of the local police itself. During that cruel action of racial discrimination Mapuche men and women received insults and racial slurs, which was televised nationwide. Therefore, Mapuche communities and Mapuche leaders gathered this past weekend to speak up against it and marched to condemn the racism and criminalization of their demands and the government’s unwillingness to respect them. “The prisoners are in jail for a reason, and this is to fight against the forestry, mining and energy companies, which destroy the land and with it the future of all, Mapuche and non-Mapuche on the planet. The future will recognize them as the heroes that they are”, they stated. They repudiated racism, demanded the liberation of the Mapuche kidnapped by the State and the recovery of their invaded territory. Curacautín, Chile.-


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